Baby Stratton's Story - Dallas Newborn Photographer

I cherish every single session I shoot, and every single baby I meet. They are each miraculous and special. They each have their own story of how they came into this world. And that story is always shaped by their parents. In that sense; Stratton’s story began the same as many others. His parents love for each other overflowed into creating this perfect little man. However Stratton’s story is different in that he will never get the chance to meet his daddy this side of heaven.

Stratton’s daddy was a fighter. A fighter of fires; and a fighter of disease, but devastatingly passed away when Stratton’s mom was only 21 weeks pregnant. With all of that, I could have not been more honored to meet this sweet baby boy the day after he was born. I was able to meet some of his fire fighter family in the parking lot the day he was born. They were all there to welcome Stratton earthside just months after his daddy left this earth.

“This little boy entered the world surrounded by so much love! From me, my family/my late husband’s family, the entire Flower Mound Fire Department, and all of our best friends. His entrance into this world was such a beautiful reminder of hope And God’s faithfulness. Stratton came a little early at 36 weeks, but he was healthy and ready start our adventure together!” - Stratton’s Mommy

“I am not always the best at documenting beautiful moments in my life, which was a lesson learned after my husband passed away. I didn’t want to miss these special moments. “

“My favorite part was the photos of Stratton with his Dad’s bunker gear.”

“I couldn’t have asked for a more peaceful and beautiful experience. Stefanie prepared me well and each session was calming and fun!”


Meeting Baby Sister! - Dallas Fresh 48 Photographer


Welcome to the World - Dallas Fresh 48 Photographer